Final Exams
All of the information provided below will be better explained in an e-mail sent by the International Mobility Office with a .pdf document on How to book exams online. The e-mail will be sent only after you have arrived in Macerata, been registered on our online system, and approximately two weeks before the exam session begins.
3. Students Administration Office (Departmental)
4. Exams registration (online)
2. How to avoid delays in the release of ToR
1. ONLINE BOOKING SYSTEM - General information
ALL THE EXAMS ARE TO BE BOOKED ON THE UNIVERSITY ONLINE SYSTEM. Please remember that you have to stick to the university academic offer and procedure (programs, exam names and number of credits provided), and sit exams referring to the semester of your mobility. The first exam period occur in December, January and February, and is referred to as winter session. The second exam period is scheduled for May, June and July, and is referred to as summer session.
Please note that
- You are only allowed to take exams during the session(s) of your mobility exchange
- You can only sit the exams of courses for which you have registered and/or attended lessons
- If you take an exam on its first official date and do not pass it, you can re-book it for the next official date - exams are usually offered three times during each semester exam period.
- You CANNOT sit exams in March, as they are intended just for students from previous academic years.
- You will not be allowed to take any exam in September, as your mobility must end at the latest by July 31st
2. ONLINE BOOKING SYSTEM - Exams schedule
Check the official dates of the exams on the web page 'BACHECA APPELLI' and search for the Department in which you are taking the course BY CLICKING ON THIS LINK.
3. ONLINE BOOKING SYSTEM - Students Administration Office (Departmental)
Not all the courses on the list are on the web system. If (and only IF) you are not able to find an exam in the online booking system, please send an e-mail to the Professor and to the Department Didactics office few days before the date of the exam. You shall inform them that you want to sit that exam, and specify: your name; your student number; your exchange program (erasmus or bilateral agreement); the exam name; and the date you will be sitting the exam.
Click here for the Professors' e-mail addresses.
The e-mail addresses of the Department didactics offices are listed down below
- Dipartimento di Economia e diritto:
- Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza:
- Dipartimento di Scienze della formazione, dei beni culturali e del turismo:
- Dipartimento di Scienze politiche, della comunicazione e delle relazioni internazionali:
Dipartimento di Studi umanistici - lingue, mediazione, storia, lettere, filosofia:
Exams missing on the online system are usually one-year courses. The final exam for such courses (i.e. language courses) must be sat in the Summer exam session. International Incoming students who will leave before the Summer session are allowed to sit a partial examination in the Winter session and obtain half of the credits, only if authorised in advance by the Teacher of the subject. In such case, if you sit the partial exam in the Winter session and then decide to extend your stay, you will not be able to sit the exam again in the Summer session, so please make a final decision beforehand. If you decide to sit the partial exam in the Winter session, please send an e-mail to the Professor and to the above mentioned offices organizing the partial exam. In this particular case, the exam will be recorded on a paper document called Verbale d'esame and NOT online. The Verbale d'esame is the official document that keep track of the exams taken by the student. The Professor completes and signs the Verbale d'esame, and the student countersigns it. After the exam, the Professor hands in the document to the Student Secretary for official registration in the online booklet (in Italian libretto universitario online).
4. ONLINE BOOKING SYSTEM - Exams registration (online)
After the exam, the Professor registers your exam by completing:
- the Verbale d'esame - either online or on paper;
- the Libretto universitario (online)
The Verbale d'esame is the official document that keep track of the exams each student sits. It could be online (recorded by the Professor on the website) or on paper (in this case, the Professor completes and signs the paper Verbale d'esame, and the student countersigns it).
1. TRANSCRIPT OF RECORDS (ToR) - General Information
About a month after you return to your country (excluding the University summer closure), a Transcript of records is issued by the International Mobility Office. The Transcript of Records will be sent directly to your Home University (and to you in Cc) by e-mail.
2. TRANSCRIPT OF RECORDS (ToR) - How to avoid delays in the release
How to avoid delays in the release of Transcript of Records:
- Remind Professors to record your grades online as soon as possible
- Be sure that the exams are officially recorded as per your Learning Agreement (i.e. course title, number of credits)
- If an exam has been recorded on a paper document entitled ‘Verbale d'esame’, remind your Professor to kindly hand in the Verbale d'esame to the Student Secretary as soon as possible
- Before leaving Macerata, please make sure that all your exams have been recorded in your online libretto. In case you find something missing, you are responsible for urging your Professors to include your missing marks in the IT system.
N.B.: the date on which exams are recorded in the student's online booklet must necessarily be the same or earlier than the end date of the student's stay at Unimc.
PLEASE NOTE: There is no online booking for the Italian Language and Culture L2 exam. The International Mobility Office will directly record the Italian Language and Culture L2 exam in your Transcript of Records. A passed exam will be recorded by attributing a level, a local grade, and credits (provided there is a minimum attendance of 75% of the lesson hours). A failed exam will be recorded as ‘failed’, with no grade or credits.
3. TRANSCRIPT OF RECORDS (ToR) - ECTS grading scale
The Transcript of Records is released together with the ECTS grading scale of the relevant academic year.