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Erasmus+ Learning Agreement for Incoming Students

Welcome to the University of Macerata! As part of your Erasmus+ exchange, completing the Learning Agreement (LA) is essential to ensure that your academic plan is aligned with the University of Macerata. This guide provides all the necessary details for completing, modifying, and submitting your Learning Agreement, as well as useful information about course registration, exams, and deadlines.

Overview of the Learning Agreement

Steps to Complete the Learning Agreement

Course Selection Guidelines

Attending Courses and Registration

Modifications to the Learning Agreement

Deadlines for the Learning Agreement

Course-Specific Notes

Contact Information for Support

Overview of the Learning Agreement

The Learning Agreement (LA) is a formal agreement between your home institution, the University of Macerata, and yourself, detailing the courses you plan to attend during your Erasmus+ stay. It ensures that all parties agree on your academic program and guarantees that your courses will be recognized when you return home.

At the University of Macerata, the Online Learning Agreement (OLA) platform is used to manage, modify, and submit your Learning Agreement digitally.

Steps to Complete the Learning Agreement

Step 1: Log in to the OLA Platform

  • Visit the OLA platform.
  • Log in using the credentials provided by your home institution.

Step 2: Select the University of Macerata (I MACERAT01)

  • In the OLA system, select University of Macerata as your Host Institution. Our Erasmus+ code is I MACERAT01.

Step 3: Choose Your Courses

  • Browse the University of Macerata Academic Offer to choose the courses that best fit your academic program. You will find courses available in both English and Italian.
    • Important: Make sure your course choices align with your study goals and academic requirements.

Step 4: Fill in the Learning Agreement

  • Provide the details for each course (title, code, ECTS credits, teaching language).
  • Confirm that the courses are available during your Erasmus+ semester at Macerata.

Step 5: Submit for Approval

  • Submit your Learning Agreement for approval via the OLA platform. The Erasmus+ Coordinator at the University of Macerata will review and approve your courses.

Course Selection Guidelines

Broaden Your Course Options

To give you flexibility in course selection, the University of Macerata allows you to choose courses from both Bachelor’s (L) and Master’s (LM) programs.

  • You may choose courses related to your Erasmus Agreement field of study, as well as courses from other fields of study, subject to approval.

Course Credit Distribution

  • Majority of Credits (51%): You must ensure that the majority of the ECTS credits (at least 51%) come from the Department of your Erasmus exchange field of study.
  • Minority of Credits (49%): A minority of your credits (no more than 49%) may come from courses outside of your Erasmus department, subject to approval.

ECTS Credit Limits

  • Full-time Study Workload:
    • 30 ECTS credits per semester.
    • 60 ECTS credits for the full academic year.

Course Availability

Courses must be taught during your Erasmus+ semester at the University of Macerata to be eligible for selection.

Attending Courses and Registration

Once you have selected your courses in the Learning Agreement, you may attend your lectures without needing to register in advance. You can easily attend the first lesson of each course.

Note: This rule does not apply to certain programs:

  • Scuole di Specializzazione
  • Ph.D. Programs
  • One-year Master’s programs

Exchange students are not admitted to these programs unless specific arrangements have been made. Please check the University's Department Page for further details about courses, timetables, rooms, and office hours.

Modifications to the Learning Agreement

If you need to make changes to your course selection after your arrival, you can modify your Learning Agreement.

Any changes must be submitted via the OLA platform and approved by both the University of Macerata and your home institution.

  • Modifications are allowed but should be done as soon as possible to avoid academic disruptions.
  • After submitting a modification, the Erasmus+ Coordinator at the University of Macerata will review the changes and provide approval.

Deadlines for the Learning Agreement

  • Upon Arrival: Submit your Learning Agreement within one month of your arrival in Macerata and no later than October 31st (for Fall semester) or March 31st (for Spring semester).
  • Modifications During Stay: Any changes to your Learning Agreement should be made early during your Erasmus period to avoid delays in recognition.

Course-Specific Notes

Please be aware of the following considerations when selecting courses:

  • Annual Courses: Some courses are annual, meaning that even if lessons are held during the first semester, the first available exam session might not be until the summer. Students in mobility only for the first semester will not be able to take the (annual) exam in this case.

  • Multiple Modules: If a course is composed of several modules, be sure to verify:

    • The semester in which the lessons are taught.
    • Whether you must attend all modules to take the exam.

Before adding a course to your Learning Agreement, it is advisable to ensure that you can take the exam at the end of the semester and avoid issues with course registration.

Contact Information for Support

Each academic department has an Erasmus+ Coordinator who assists incoming students with course selection and approval of Learning Agreements. These coordinators are key contacts for any academic matters related to your Erasmus+ mobility.

You can find the list of Erasmus+ Coordinators for each department on the following page:
List of Erasmus+ Coordinators

If you have any questions or need assistance with administrative matters, feel free to contact

International Mobility Office (Administrative Support)